Corporate & Business Law Services for Continuous Legal Demands

As a corporate entity, you recognise the continuous legal demands that your organisation must meet daily. To alleviate this burden, we offer specialised Corporate & Business Legal Services designed to assist clients with a wide range of legal areas and corporate-related issues. Our services help companies navigate their legal responsibilities and safeguard their interests in a competitive market.

Understanding that running a startup or growing business presents unique legal challenges, we offer dedicated Business Legal Services tailored to the specific needs of your business. Our comprehensive range of legal solutions is customised based on your business size, the nature of its activities, and its current lifecycle stage. Whether you’re just starting out or expanding, we provide the expert legal support you need to thrive.

Corporate & Business Law Services We Offer

Our Corporate & Business Legal Services include:

  • Corporate and Company Set-Up – Corporate and company set-up services, including company ACN/ABN, TFN and GST registration, registering business name and drafting core company documents.
  • Intellectual Property – Advising or providing guidance on intellectual property protection, including advising on and filing applications for trademarks, patents or copyright.
  • Corporate Governance – Providing corporate governance services.
  • Company Documents – Drafting, reviewing or amending company documents (.e.g., company constitution, shareholder agreements, and board of director meeting minutes).
  • Commercial Contracts – Preparing and reviewing commercial contracts (.e.g., employment, confidentiality (or NDAs), sales and purchase, and shareholders agreements).
  • Mergers and Acquisitions – Due diligence on mergers and acquisitions.
  • Partnership Agreements – Preparing and review partnership agreements.
  • Advisory – Business startup advisory services.
  • Policy and Documents – Policy and terms document drafting (.e.g., privacy policy, online & website terms and conditions and terms of use).

About Us

Corporate Overhaul is a legal, corporate, risk and compliance consulting firm based in Sydney. We partner with organisation’s from start to finish, and offer tailored legal, corporate, risk and compliance consultancy solutions to assist your business with meeting all of their legal, risk and compliance obligations.