Corporate Overhaul is a legal, corporate, risk and compliance consulting firm based in Sydney. We partner with organisation’s from start to finish, and offer tailored legal, corporate, risk and compliance consultancy solutions to assist your business with meeting all of their legal, risk and compliance obligations.
We offer innovative and flexible consultancy services that adapt to support the fluctuating demands of organisational needs, regulatory requirements, business strategy and industry standards.
Our consultancy services offer tailored solutions to meet the financial strategy of startups, small to medium and large enterprises operating across a wide spectrum of regulated and unregulated Australian industries.
Corporate Overhaul Legal Services Pty Ltd ABN 52 639 082 358 and Corporate Overhaul Pty Ltd ABN 37 627 231 985 are committed to making professional legal and consultancy services accessible to all Australian businesses.
Corporate Overhaul Legal Services Pty Ltd ABN 52 639 082 358 (liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation).